Hand Grinding Coffee Camping at Fort De Soto County Park

Hand Grinding Coffee Camping at Fort De Soto County Park

Jessica Larson

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One of the first things we do when we arrive at any campsite is determine the water set up.  For this trip to Fort De Soto, Pinellas County Park, we are veterans of 4 or 5 visits, and know we have a reliable source.  

The park provides municipal water supply, and then we filter with a simple in-line water filterIt is obviously not going to be like our home set up, but the filter removes the chlorine taste and odor which makes a noticeable improvement to the coffee and drinking water.  An added bonus is we didn’t have to lug or purchase gallons of water.

Ben thought it would be fun to bring a hand grinder for the beans- My memory of this experiment is that even though I knew what the noise was going to create, I still was not fond of waking to it!  For the devout, the grinder is the Rhino Gear Compact Grinder, which fit nicely inside the Aeropress.

After hand grinding coffee every day for about a week, we (Ben) finally switched to the Mr. Coffee electric burr grinder which fit nicely in the kitchen cabinet of our camper.  This was possible because we had an electric hookup and storage space for the grinder.  Our basecamp proved to be the best kitchen set up I could ever ask for. I love being able to stand up right at the counter as opposed to leaning over a camp table.  

We didn’t experiment too much outside of the hand grinder.  We brought our favorite roasts, Yanatile, Marisol, and Nano Challa.  We began the trip by using a percolator called a Mirro.  The company went out of business in 2003 (that tells you how old that thing is!) We eventually switched to the Aeropress.

The results from the Aeropress were far better, and when you have time to make one cup at a time, it makes a great cup of coffee.

That was the best part of the coffee, we had time to make it and enjoy it.  Maybe that is the new key ingredient…time.

Peru Cusco Yanatile Valley Organic

Peru Cusco Yanatile Valley Organic


Flavor Notes: Chocolate, Dried Fruit, praline, & fig   Peru Cusco Region, Calca Province, Yantile Valley, high altitude (1600-1800 MASL), organic.   Mountain coffee for your next adventure! High altitude Peruvian farmers once again deliver, bringing you this sweet &… read more

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